Kind words by Dr Mohua Chaterjee, In Charge, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Services
ACTREC (Branch of Tata Memorial), Navi Mumbai

"Our patients who have under gone mastectomy because of breast cancer, they are using the cotton prosthesis provided by Win Over Cancer. These prosthesis are made of cotton and have the perfect weight which makes it very comfortable to all our patients
All our patients are very satisfied with the product. The size is perfect and the inner wear is very comfortable.
They are using it on regular basis and are giving very good feedback.
The prosthesis is preventing patients from problems like scoliosis and shoulder pain.
Our patients are very happy with the cotton prostheses. It is equivalent to the silicone prostheses and is giving similar results
I am so thankful to Win Over Cancer for providing the prosthesis and JASCAP NGO as the operational partner in the project. Thank you God bless you. So many patients are benefited because of your noble gesture."